
Advanced Math

Academic year: 2022-23
Course: Foundation Course Science
Credits: 3
Period: Second Semester

Number of hours: 24

Teacher: Massimo Caboara (

Language of instruction: English


The course has the purpose of providing the basic knowledge of chemistry for the understanding of structure-properties relationship of matter.The main topics that will be treated are: graph of elementary functions, derivative of a function, complete graph drawing for continuous functions (zeroes, monotony, maxima/minima). Very simple limits.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

In the written exam the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course topics through answers to specific questions and the solution of numerical problems


The student will be able to draw the graph of a contious function.

Assessment criteria of skills

Periodical exercises are  held periodically on the topics discussed at the theoretical level to ensure the students’ acquisition of the objectives set


The student will be encouraged to apply the knowledge acquired in other scientific contexts.


The student should have adequate mathematical bases for a better understanding of topics discussed in the course. Elementary algebra and geometry will suffice.


Graph of elementary functions. Simple graph transformations. The naive concenpt of a continuos function. Derivative of a function. Graph drawing for a continuos function. Zeroes, even approximate zeroes.

Monotony. Maxima/minima. Flexes. Simple limits to infinity.


Material covering the course will be provided in pdf format.

Assessment methods

Written examination and if necessary, oral examination. Grades will be based on the student performance as a whole.

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