


Students are allowed to take the exams only if they reach the required attendance rate

The exams of the subjects in English related to the first semester are in January and the ones related to the second semester are in June. Each teacher can decide to make mid-term exams before January or June session. 

Students who do not pass all the exams by June can have an additional session in July, as long as they have reached the required attendance rate. An additional session in September is given to students who have not passed the exams by the end of July. 

July and September sessions cannot replace the previous ones, meaning that students cannot decide to skip January and June session to take the exams directly later. 

The session in September is the last one and students who miss it or do not pass all the exams by then will not have any further chances to take the exams. 

Please note that the use of applications such as ChatGPT and similar in the context of exams is strictly prohibited. Moreover, the use of such applications can lead to the unquestionable cancellation of the exam by the teacher.


Students are allowed to take the final test only if they reach the required attendance rate

The final test is taken at the end of each class. 

Students who do not reach the B1 level by the last available class can attend a recovery class and retake the final test in July. Only students with an A2 level can attend the class in July and retake the final test. 

An additional B1 recovery test is available in September for students who do not pass the B1 final test in July. 


You will obtain your final FC qualification if you will meet the following requirements: 

  • Regular attendance in each class 
  • Achievement of all of the expected 60 credits (CFC) in the chosen study track 
  • Achievement of at least the B1 Italian Language level 

Please note that the achievement of the B1 Italian Language level is worth 24 credits (CFC). 

With regards to the remaining 36 credits, 27 are made of mandatory classes and 9 of elective classes among which you can choose the ones you prefer. 

All the details about classes are here

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