Academic year: 2022-23
Course: Foundation Course Humanities
Credits: 3
Period: first semester
Number of hours: 24
Teacher(s): Elisa Tizzoni (
Language of instruction: English
This course aims to introduce students to long-term trends and significant events in Italian History, with a focus on the last two centuries.
By the end of the course, students will acquire a general knowledge of the major events and developments of Italian History, with special reference to the last two centuries.
The course will examine different dimensions and consequences of key facts and long-term phenomena affecting society, politics, economy, culture and environment of Italy.
Students will be provided with primary and secondary sources (including written documents, art, graphs, maps, and statistical information) and academic texts.
Powerpoint presentations, selected articles and sources provided by the Teacher
Grade components
Attendance and participation (30%)
Final exam (70%).