To apply for one of the Foundation Course programs go here
The application period is from 17/02/2025 to 30/03/2025
The applications are open for students interested to the Foundation Course Humanities, Science, Native Italians and the Foundation Course single modules.
There are 70 spots for Humanities and 70 spots for Science.
Spots for the Foundation Course for Native Italians and the Foundation Course single modules are counted separately.
If there will be more applicants than the available spots we will accept the first 140 students (equally divided from Science and Humanities) in chronological order with respect to the submission date of their application.
Please note that the following documents must be uploaded by 30/03/2025, otherwise the application will be rejected:
- Passport
- Secondary school leaving certificate obtained after at least 11 years of school + transcript of records of the last school year.
If you have not obtained your Secondary School Qualification yet, it is enough a school enrollment certificate along with the transcript of records (original and officially translated in English or Italian). - English language certificate (B2 level at least) or proof of one full year of school in English.
The international english certificates accepted are: IELTS (minimum 5.5), TOEFL IBT (minimum 72) , Cambridge english qualification (minimum 160), Duolingo (minimum 100) Info about IELTS here, Info about TOEFL IBT here, Info about Cambridge english qualifications here, info about Duolingo here
Application steps:
- Candidates who have correctly submitted the application will be asked to pay the application fee within seven days.
- By 11/04 all the candidates who have paid the application fee will be assessed.
- By 18/04 eligible candidates will be conditionally accepted and not eligible candidates will be rejected.
Candidates will be considered eligible if they are within the first 70 of Humanities or the first 70 ones of Science (in chronological order starting from when they have submitted the application), if they have correctly uploaded all the documents required and if they have (or will obtain) a final secondary school qualification after at least 11 years of school. For info about some qualifications that are not accepted please go here. - By 27/04 eligible (conditionally accepted) candidates will have to pay the first fee (1016 euros), to fill, sign and upload the Responsibility Agreement and to register to the Alice portal. Those who will correctly carry out the three steps above within the due time will be considered accepted to the program, otherwise they will be rejected.
- By 05/05 all the accepted candidates will receive the acceptance letter and, if non-EU students, they will be asked to apply for a Study D Visa through the Universitaly portal.
- By 09/05 we will publish in this website the ranking list with all the accepted candidates, who will be identified by their ID number
If we will not be able to give all the 140 spots available (divided equally between Science and Humanities) we will open an additional intake to assign the remaining ones. Please note that, as long as the second intake will be open, if a student has not been accepted in the first intake they will have to apply for the new one and to be assessed again.
Other important dates:
By 31/12 Final secondary school certificate submission
By 28/02/2026 Declaration of Value/ CIMEA certificates submission. Additional info here