
Introduction to philosophical thought

Academic year: 2024-25
Course: Foundation Course Humanities/ Science
Credits: 3
Period: first semester

Number of hours: 24

Teacher(s): Annamaria Lossi ( )

Language of instruction English

Aims of the course
The module in Introduction to Philosophical Thought aims at giving a general historical and systematic outline of the Western philosophical thought. The course is directed to both FCH and FCS students who will become familiar with concepts and issues of the philosophical tradition. Special attention will be paid to the modus operandi philosophy developed over the centuries, interpreting philosophical texts and their ways of arguing.
The aim of this course is to improve philosophical knowledge, to improve critical skills of students, making them aware of the historical-cultural contexts, helping them to develop structured, logical arguments.

This module will take into account specific texts or parts thereof, written by some of the major thinkers of Western thought (Plato and/or Aristotle, Ockham and/or Moore, Descartes and/or Galileo, Diderot and/or Locke, Kant and/or Hegel, Nietzsche and/or Heidegger, Sartre and/or Derrida, Gadamer and/or Rawls, Sallis and/or Eco).

A special focus will be shared on the nature of texts so that the students will increase their skills in evaluating information, writing, understanding others’ perspectives.

The course will mainly consist of reading and discussing during the classes.
The lecture of two hours will be divided in two parts. After an introductory presentation (with power point, pictures, short videos) a specific reading will be (re)read, analysed or commented. All the texts will be uploaded in pdf and shared before the lecture.

The final mark will be based on:

  1. the quality of attendance, interest and participation (1-15)
  2. oral exam (1-15)

The bibliography is all in English translations to give everyone the possibility to get an equal preparation in a common language. The specific texts and the presentations will be provided by the lecturer.

No pre-knowledges required.

Time and Schedule
Every Thursday, from the 17th of October 2024, 2.30-4-30pm (2.15-4.45).

Last lecture: the 17th of December 2024.
Online lectures also available for those who cannot join personally the course on the dedicated Teams channel.

Oral exam
January, the 13th; the 27th; from 9am to 6pm. Room PAO A2
February the 10th; from 9am to 6pm. Room PAO A2
April, the 4th; from 9am to 1pm. Room PAO A2

For any question students can be received at the Department under appointment. Please contact directly the lecturer per email:

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