
Mandatory and electives

Foundation Course Science (FCS) mandatory classes

First Semester: Biology (6 CFC)

Second Semester: Chemistry (6CFC)

First and second semester: Basic Mathematical Language (6 CFC), Physics (9 CFC)

First and second semester: Italian language (A1-B1 level) (24 CFC)

Foundation Course Humanities (FCH) mandatory classes

First Semester: Modern European History (6 CFC), Italian Literature I: an introduction (6 CFC),

Second Semester: History of Art: an introduction (6 CFC), Italian Literature II: an introduction A (3 CFC), Greek and Roman Archaeology (6 CFC)

First and second semester: Italian language (A1-B1 level) (24 CFC)

Elective classes

Students must choose THREE ELECTIVES of which TWO in the first semester and ONE in the second semester. Students are allowed to change choice only within the first two weeks of classes and they must communicate their change to

Please note that elective classes are activated only if at least five students join them

First semester: Principles of Economics and Management (3 CFC), Introduction to philosophical thought (3 CFC), Environmental History (3 CFC), Introduction to Film History (3 CFC)

Second semester: Logic and Reasoning (3 CFC), Italian Literature: an introduction II B (3 CFC), Geosciences (3 CFC), Advanced Math (3 CFC), Introduction to EU Law (3 CFC). Ecology for Agriculture (3 CFC), Aesthetics (3 CFC)

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